Tempering white chocolate is a process that takes practice and skill to get right, but it can be done at home with the right tools and ingredients.

To temper white chocolate correctly, you must first choose the right white chocolate. Quality white chocolate should have a pleasant smell and a glossy shine. The higher the cocoa butter content, the better the chocolate will be for tempering. If the cocoa butter content is too low, the chocolate will be more prone to melting and can lead to a grainy texture.

Next, you need to set up your work area and prepare the chocolate. You’ll need to pre-melt the chocolate and then cool it to the right temperature. This process is best done in a double boiler or in a bowl set over a pot of boiling water. The chocolate should be melted to about 115°F and then cooled to about 80°F.

Once the chocolate has cooled to the proper temperature, it’s time to start tempering. To temper white chocolate, you will need to heat it again to about 90°F and then cool it to 82°F. During this process, you must continually stir the chocolate to ensure that it evenly heats and cools.

Once the chocolate has reached the correct temperature, you should perform a tempering test to make sure it has been properly tempered. To do this, spread a small amount of the chocolate on a piece of parchment paper and allow it to cool. If it sets up quickly and has a glossy sheen, then the tempering has been successful.

Finally, once the tempering is complete, you should store the white chocolate in an airtight container and use it within two weeks. If you need to store it longer, place it in the refrigerator.

Tempering White Chocolate Recipe


  • 12 ounces of quality white chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable shortening or coconut oil


  1. Place the white chocolate in a double boiler or in a bowl set over a pot of boiling water.
  2. Heat the chocolate until it reaches a temperature of 115°F, stirring occasionally.
  3. Remove the chocolate from the heat and allow it to cool to 80°F, stirring occasionally.
  4. Return the chocolate to the heat and heat it to 90°F, stirring continuously.
  5. Remove the chocolate from the heat and allow it to cool to 82°F, stirring continuously.
  6. Once the chocolate has reached the proper temperature, add the vegetable shortening or coconut oil and stir until it is fully incorporated.
  7. Perform a tempering test to make sure the chocolate has been properly tempered (see above for details).
  8. Once the tempering is complete, store the white chocolate in an airtight container and use within two weeks.